Please note that we have instituted online patient registration. All patients must have a user id and password. This will allow us to have the most up-to-date contact information to confirm appointments and notify you of test results, file your insurance claims, and most importantly, have up-to-date medical history on you. Registration will take no more than 15 minutes.
Even if you are a returning patient, this allows us to better serve you now that all of your records are no longer in paper format.
We personally assure you that your information is kept strictly secure behind hardware and software firewalls. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Step 1. Obtain your security code
Make sure you have your unique security code that was given to you when confirming or booking your appointment. If you do not have a code, please call the office and request one at 703-723-7171.
Step 2. Create a User Name and Password
Click this link to access our secure patient portal:
From the home page under “Don’t have an account?” click the “Create one here” link at the bottom of the screen. Please note if you have a preexisting portal account (that is not specifically with you will still need to create a new account
Click the orange “Register by username” link. Fill in all sign-in information in the provided fields and create a username and password for the account. (Please note the First/Last name you enter must match the name on your patient record.)
Read the full Terms and conditions and click the acceptance checkbox. Click “Register.” A prompt will appear if no email address was entered. Select either the “Go Back” (to enter an email address for your account) or “Proceed without email” option. Select three security questions from the dropdown menus, input appropriate answers and submit.
The “Connect to a practice” page will appear. If you used the above link, the practice id and last name will be filled out. Enter your security code and hit connect.
If you did not use the above link, you will have to call the office for the practice id, then enter your last name and the security code and hit connect.
If you have already registered with our new portal, simply follow this link to log into your account.
Please rest assured that all information provided is kept confidential, secure, and HIPAA compliant. Please call the office at 703-723-7171 if you have any questions.